A couple of girlsbhave made the children war dolls theatre "Sniper". The actress are dolls - Barbie. The girls play the show and entertain the kids from the street. And, everything would be fine if there was not war in Sarajevo. However, this is the war and this show exposes the consciousness and ambience of kids as well as their wishes and occupations.
Category: Documentary
Format: Beta SP
Duration: 5 min
Production date: April 1995
Producers: Ismet Arnautalic / Ademir Kenovic
Format: Beta SP
Duration: 5 min
Production date: April 1995
Producers: Ismet Arnautalic / Ademir Kenovic
Editing: Almir Kenovic
Camera: Milenko Uherka
Screenplay: Nedzad Begovic
Director: Nedzad Begovic
Camera: Milenko Uherka
Screenplay: Nedzad Begovic
Director: Nedzad Begovic